Friday, October 2, 2020

Feeling So Thankful

Hello again our loyal followers! Our blog has been down for a few years now. My sister and I had to really dial things back after the 2016 Lousiana flood. I took on the business as a solo act, but my health started to decline, and Adriana went through some major family changes. I went through a major surgery in 2018. I helped my brother-in-law with hospice care for his grandpa in 2019, and we lost our last grandmother in 2019. There have been huge life events, and with adjoing disability I have had to come and go from Bits N' Bobs Boutique.
Through all of life's little bumps I have kept my love for creating knit designs though. Every time I think I'm done designing, and I just want to knit for myself, I get a huge burst of inspiration. I knit frantically and than the slow process of publishing begins. I love seeing fellow knitters creating the items I have designed. It's like little pieces of magic all over the world that we are all creating together. When a pattern is purchased I get so much joy out of it! Granted, they don't make enough to even buy me yarn, but they make me feel like a participant in the world. I know somewhere, a baby is snuggled in a hat and bunting looking like a caterpillar, that was designed by me, and knit with love by someone else. It makes me feel so connected.
I just want to say thank you for that. For all of the support throughout the years, even with our ups and downs. Thank you for creating from patterns I designed with love and determination. I often say I am a syringomelia warrior. I see the battle before me every morning, and I work through it. It doesn't always feel like I'm a warrior though. Some days I want to quit. Some days I cry because I don't understand how people with disabilities have the ability to work and be "normal". Some days I feel like I'm a huge complainer and need to suck it up. I have good days where I feel like I can take on the world and tackle as much as the next person, and they are followed by bad days where I can't even muster the energy to knit. It's these daily struggles that make every pattern I design a major labor of love. I know my output is minimal, but I know the quality is exceptional (it's the perfectionist in me).
These patterns will be my tiny legacy. Some day, when I slip off this mortal coil, the love and creativeness I carried through the struggles will still be here. They will still be created and bringing joy and love to the world for as long as knitting is around. I couldn't ask for anything more amazing.
Hugs and Love
Maria (that Bits N Bob's Girl)

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